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Cormier's video What is a MOOC?: http://bit.ly/hikML9 |
Background and Timeline
In 2001, in a pioneering move, MIT (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), announced its intention to place all of its courses online (MIT OpenCourseWare) and make them available free of charge to everyone. Within 6 years MIT had completed the publication of virtually the entire curriculum, more than 1,800 courses from some 33 disciplines.
In Fall, 2011, Stanford University experimented with an online course-hosting program that attracted hundreds of thousands of students, allowing them to take courses free of charge.
In April 2012, the New York Times reported that 2 computer science professors (Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller) from Stanford University had collected $16 million in venture capital and formed partnerships with four leading universities (Stanford, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, and the University of Michigan). This venture was called Coursera. In the video referenced below, co-founder Andrew Ng explains how he views the MOOCs as social entrepreneurship and repeatedly explains to a confused Fox newsman why he believes it is important to serve the neediest people--while someone in San Francisco may easily be able to pay $5 (the cost of a latte) for an online course, a poor young person in Kenya may find that same $5 unthinkable.
At the same time another MOOC company, Udacity,
grew out of a free online computer class in artificial intelligence
offered at Stanford in 2011 by Sebastian Thrun, a Google Fellow and research professor at Stanford. Thrun, along with David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky were cofounders.
In early May 2012, MIT and Harvard University announced they, too, were teaming up to provide MOOCs, and formed edX. Each partner initially invested $30 million in the venture. MIT's Provost Rafael Reif insisted that they were designed " 'not to make money' but to improve learning for both the universities and the public at large." By July 2012, U.C. Berkeley had become a partner with edX. By August 2012 Coursera had attracted a million students from 196 countries [the top users were from the US (38%), Brazil (6%), India (5%), and China (4%).]
By September 2012, Coursera had added an additional 17 universities. Coursera now has over 60 university partners and 2.8 million students. In late February 2013 Pennsylvania State University (where I work) announced it was contributing 5 courses.

The original idea behind the MOOCs was that in general students would receive certificates of completion, but not be given university credit. However, that may change in the future as the value of completing MOOC courses evolves.
This article explains MOOCs lucidly. I believe the links also serve as gateways to the reader who would want access to a variety of online study resources
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